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Showing posts from February, 2019

Becoming a Certified Drone Operator in the United States

Unmanned Aerospace Systems (UAS) in the year 2019 have a great deal of technology at their fingertips, with a handful of challenges that hold back the UAS from meeting their potential.  Most of the challenges are not necessarily technology related.  Safety, FAA permission, standardizations in operator training are some of those challenges. UAV Operator Qualifications The Federal Aviation Administration oversees permission of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operation operations.  The UAV must weight 55 pounds or less,  and fly under 400 feet during daylight with a FAA registration and pilot certification for commercial related flight.  A common example of this and more widely known to the public is aerial real estate photography (Wynbrandt, 2019).  In order to fly a UAV in a section 333 granted airspace, and Part 107 Certificate must be in the pilot’s possession.  There are 3 tracks to obtain a Part 107 remote pilot certificate: first time pilot, e...